Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Tip Tuesday

    Recently I was sitting around doing nothing when something occurred to me:  the people in our stories (especially the main character(s)) should have something their life revolves around.  In other words, what do your character's lives revolve around?  What is most precious to them?  Is it something honorable such as Jesus Christ or family?  Or something less than honorable such as money or drugs?  I thought this was an interesting point because in real life all of our lives revolve around something.  Why shouldn't our character's lives revolve around something as well?  Not only does this make them more realistic (at least I think so), it can bring in good conflict if their life is centered on something unethical or worthless.  Anyway, hopefully this will give you something to think about this week. 

1 comment:

  1. Nice tip! That is something I should think about! Thanks!
