Sunday, March 30, 2014

Newsletter and Late Who Am I

This week we will be expecting:

- Story (by Hope)

- Tip Tuesday (Hope)

- Word Wednesday (Hope)

- Who Am I (Hope)

- I would like to sometime this week add something to add a little spring to our blog. If you have any ideas, let me know.

And now for my belated, Who Am I?

1. I am in the most influential book in the world...
2. but my name is only mentioned once.
3. My wife is more famous than I.
4. She is perhaps best known for sitting under a Palm tree.

"Teach me your way, O Lord, 
that I may walk in your truth; 
unite my heart to fear your name."
Psalm 86:11 (ESV)


  1. Oooo...hard, I'm going to guess that the most influencial book that you are referring to is the Bible. Thus, I am going to guess Lapidoth... :)

  2. Um... somebody in the Bible... um... I can't think whose wife sat under a palm tree!

  3. Wow. It took me a while to think what Biblical lady sat under a palm tree. I think Faith is right, Lapidoth. Where in the world did you come up with him?!?! :)

  4. You girls are right, it's Lapidoth. :) My grandpa likes to ask people who Deborah's husband was...I kind of borrowed his idea.
