Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Those Eyes

Merry Christmas all!  I decided it would be wrong if we didn't have a Christmas post on Christmas.  So, without further ado, here is my Christmas (kinda) story for the year (and yes, it is very short :D).

          Darkness swished around me as if I was flying down a dark tunnel.  Rushing past me where scenes from history.  People moved about in them and I could hear the whisper of voices.  How strange.  I reached out a hand and caught one.  A whooshing sound filled the air as I was sucked into the scene. 
          Rocks bit at my feet as I made my way up a hillside.  Darkness filled the sky, and an overwhelming sense of fear filled the chilly air.  Near me a woman wept, her face in her hands.  What was wrong?  There were other people about me as well.  Some were crying as well while others stood there smirks on their faces.  I didn’t understand.  Then I saw it, a cross.  On it, a man hung limply.
          I clamped a hand over my mouth not wanting to comprehend what I was seeing.  How could anyone…?   I could not complete the thought.  It was such a horrible sight. 
          The man weakly raised his head.  Blood covered his body, and he looked near death.  But his eyes.  They looked at me.  I looked away from the piercing gaze.  My heart throbbed.
          “I-It is finished.” 
          The words were not spoken to everyone.  They seemed to be spoken only to me.
          Once again I was flying through the dark tunnel, the awful image still filling my mind.  Please.  Let me see something better. I reached desperately and was plunged into another moment of history. 
          A stable.  Animals packed it, shoving for room.  The stench of manure was overpowering.  I gagged and shoved my way through the horde looking for a way out. 
           A baby’s cry filled the stable.  What was a baby doing in here? 
          He lay in a manger, his mother bending over him, weariness filling her face, yet pride at this healthy baby boy.  Something unexplainable pulled me closer.  My whole being focused on the baby.  He was no longer crying.  Instead he was looking about as if exploring his new home.          
          Then he saw me.  I looked into his eyes.  I knew those eyes.  “No . . .” I whispered.  A solitary tear ran down my cheek.  “No!” I cried louder.  “It’s not fair!”  They were the eyes of the man on the cross.
          I wanted to run, but I was afraid of what I would find.  I knelt, sobbing in the dirty hay that littered the ground.  I couldn’t understand. 
          Look.  The thought wisped through my mind.  I raised my head.  I was no longer in a stable; I was in front of a large rock with a hole carved in it.  Next to it a woman sat weeping.  A man approached her.  She sobbed something to him that I could not understand, and he replied softly.  She looked up and gasped.  He lovingly laid a hand on her shoulder then turned and looked at me.
          He smiled a gentle loving smile filling my heart with warmth.  Then, once again, I saw those eyes.  The eyes of the baby; the eyes of the man on the cross.  He stepped near me and reached out a hand, a hand that had been pierced.  I took it and rose to my feet.  Somehow, I understood. 
          “Thank you,” I whispered. 

Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Black Hand---Part 4

I know you are tired of writing and perhaps you are sick of giving feedback as well so though I would love some critiquing, don't feel like you have to.

Also, a small disclaimer before I continue this story. "The Black Hand" has nothing to do with the secret society responsible for the death of  Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria. I was not even aware until yesterday of their existence.

In case you don't remember what happened last:
Part 3

I was not pleased with what Calvin told me. Who would be excited to know that there was something deadly and brilliant living near by? And what was even worse, if it was ever found out that I knew, I would be a target.

Calvin and Amy watched me pace nervously back and forth in front of their large bay windows with out saying anything. They seemed to understand how upset I was and to realize that I simply wanted some quite time to think.

“How do you know that’s what it is?” I stopped midstride and turned on Calvin.

“Well, I don’t know for sure but I can tell you that I was asked to help with a top secret invention project being worked on in a college nearby. When I asked questions they simply told me it would be a machine to help make the college smarter.”

“Mmmm. I suppose you could look at it that way if you were as morbid as they are.”  I started pacing again. “But I still don’t understand how you knew what this really was.”

“I have an invention Marina that helps you be able to hear through walls. It looks just like an MP3 player and there are earphones that go into your ears so you alone can hear. I was wearing it one day on campus to test its accuracy when I heard something through a bathroom wall. It was several different voices, none of which I knew, discussing this—what should I call it—efining process shall we say. I couldn’t figure out who they were, where the machine was or anything that would give me any decisive evidence so I simply had to bide my time. Then you came along and informed me of those noises and it all clicked!”

“So,” I turned on him once again. “What are we going to do about it?”

“Well, some would say,” he put his feet up on the coffee table and leaned back carelessly. “ ‘ Don’t worry about it. It won’t affect us. We have good grades and aren’t poor.” That’s what the mega minds are looking for. They’re like Hitler you know, trying to create perfection and you and I happen to be about as close to their ideal as anyone could ever get. ‘ “

I looked at him very hard. “So, because the ones in danger aren’t smart enough to figure this nasty plan out we should just leave them be and keep our own skins warm and wet?”

“Warm and wet? I’ve generally heard it “high and dry”. “

I gritted my teeth and reprimanded myself. I was too comfortable around this kind couple and especially in moments of agitation I was likely to let something slip.

“Yeah that’s what I meant. But answer the question Calvin. And you too Amy. You’re safe just like us but what about those who aren’t? Should we just let this happen?”

Amy leaned forward her eyes glittering. “Marina—you know, I think the beach looks so lovely, I just can’t stay inside for another minute. Let’s go take a walk!”

“Amy!” I got no further before Calvin cut me off.

“Great idea! Let’s go!” and suddenly sitting up he jumped up and grabbed my arm nearly shoving me out the door.

The moment we stepped outside Amy began gabbling about her childhood on the beach and all the memories she had. She talked amazingly fast and anytime I tried to cut it Calvin would begin on his own tangent.

We walked around the base of the lighthouse which was actually very big. And finally when we had reached the bay windows Calvin held up a hand to silence Amy and said quietly,

“Okay Amy. I’ve got it. You can switch that headache causing stuff off.”

“Bird or Bug, Calvin?”

Calvin opened his left hand and I saw he was carrying a strange contraption of wires and little black boxes.

“Bug, I think. That’s much better than a Bird really.”
I was totally lost but they obviously knew exactly what they were talking about.

“What do you mean Bird or Bug? That looks like a mechanical contraption to me, not a creature.”

“A “Bug” is something that is put somewhere to listen in on conversations. A “Bird” is our name for a drone.” Amy took the contraption from Calvin and held it out to me. “Do you want to look at it? It’s really a fascinating little device.”

I weighed it in my palm and two of the wires gently rested against my wrist. I felt my body begin to vibrate so hard that it made me numb and then a loud buzzing noise suddenly pounded in my ears and I felt myself falling. My vision went completely black and it was then that I heard the noises. They were the same as the ones that I had heard during class.

“Calvin, it’s them again. Can’t you hear it?” I intended to yell the words but they came out more as a gurgle through my numb lips.

 Amy’s voice floated through the darkness to me, “Marina! What’s wrong? Can you hear me?” She sounded panicked and I tried to reassure her but the vibrating wouldn’t stop and my lips stayed closed.

Her voice began to fade and the noises grew louder, then I heard a new voice so clear it was like it was speaking in my ear.

“They must have found it and removed it already! I’m receiving an error message.” The voice sounded timid and forced.

“You dunce!” The voice was so loud and familiar that I jumped. Professor Jin’s. What did he have to do with—“I told you we shouldn’t have trusted Chancy to do the job! He probably put it right under their very noses while that frog girl was watching! Now they are going to be suspicious.” His voice trailed off into furious mutterings and I felt the vibrations suddenly stop and my vision return.

I was lying on the sand and Calvin was holding the hand that had clutched the bug. Amy was looking strait into my eyes and had two finger pressed tight to my other wrist.

I struggled to a sitting posture and felt my head swim but I was able to ask Amy what had happened.

Amy put her arm behind my back to support me and looked at Calvin who was looking back and forth between the device and my wrist. I could see a read line that looked like a crooked flash of lightening stretching between the two spots where the wires had touched me.

“I think she got electrocuted somehow. I mean, I saw the arch between the wires and she sure looked terrible but I don’t understand how it could have any power when I’ve disabled it. Besides that you and I both carried it Amy and are just fine.” He flipped the culprit over with a stick and poked it severely in several spots.

I felt my heart give a startled thump and then sat very still. I understood what had happened and was not pleased. It could happen again, and next time, I knew it would probably kill me.

“It must be some little part of the new technology they are using on the Conquistador.” Calvin said after they half carried half supported me inside and laid me down on their couch. “Although I still don’t get why it would affect Marina and not us.”

“If they are using stuff like that on a little house bug, I’m not looking forward to dealing with the big guy.” Amy put a pillow behind my head and went into the kitchen for a glass of water.

I roused myself into a sitting position. “What do you mean ‘dealing with the big guy’ Amy? Are you really thinking of trying to stop this thing? I mean, I know it really is horrible but…” I trailed off feeling guilty at my lack of bravery. Wasn’t this was Aqua’s came to the human world for anyway? To help them conquer evil, to teach them peace, to protect the innocent.

Amy stopped in the doorway and turned to look at me. Her eyes were glittering just like they had before the interruption. “Marina, we have to! We are the ones who know about it, we are the ones who have the best chance of destroying it, thanks to Calvin’s brilliancy, therefore we are the ones who have to do something about it.” She got the water and came back. Handing it to me she continued, “Even though we aren’t the ones being directly affected.”

I smiled hoping she wouldn’t think me a coward and thankfully drank the glass.

“Now, after that ordeal you are probably tired aren’t you? Do you want me to take you to your room so you can go to bed?” she offered a hand to help me up.

“Thanks Amy. You always seem to know just what I want.” I took her hand and to my surprise she really did pull me up. She was amazingly strong for how old she must be.

The Marine Room. That was just about the best way to explain it. Everything that fit the word “Marine” was there. I couldn’t tell Amy just how delighted I was, especially at the oversized fish tank full of life. I really felt more at home than I had since that afternoon so long ago when seeing a ship peacefully making its way home above me I had hopped on my suitcase and almost immediately surfaced under the white bow.

The window too, that was I treat. From it I could see the ocean below me, stretching away into the horizon. I could remember all the times I had looked up at the stars, shinning their bright light clear down to me at the bottom of the ocean. They felt much closer here, and almost, more threatening.

My mind wondered back to my early childhood, over the pleasant memories of my education at the orphanage and then later on the university. I had learned it all and been a good student too but once here, on real human soil, things were different. They were more terrifyingly real and I was glad this was only a little exposure and practice trip. I really wasn’t ready to do some of the big things the older and more experienced Aqua’s did. And then, in the last glimmer of the sun, I looked down and saw the red streak on my wrist. I wasn’t ready, but, did I need to be? I had run across something big, that needed to be taken care of immediately but I surely wasn’t the one to do it. That was someone else’s job right? Like maybe the brilliant Calvin and his wife but not inexperienced me. Sure I had some gifts they did not; some very powerful ones even but this was not a problem for me. My wrist throbbed painfully. Or was it?