Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Word Wednesday

Ha ha... I just remembered I said I would do Word Wednesday. I guess it's not too late, but about this time of evening, my brain is fried. I apologize if the quality of my writing is not so good tonight. Anyway, this won't be a typical Word Wednesday. Instead of sharing a word, I'm going to share a suggestion that has to do with words. Really, this post would probably better fit as a Tip Tuesday. Oh, well... definitely too late for that one.

Okay, back on topic. I really just want to share with you all a wonderful website that has proved handy for me in increasing my typing speed - and memorizing scripture all at once. It's called ScriptureTyper, and it is specifically designed to help make Bible memory "fun and easy" through "actively engaging three separate cognitive areas: Audio, Visual & Kinesthetic (Touch) memory." You can memorize from your preferred translation, import the verses of your choice, or choose a collection of verses. Join a group, have a little competition, encourage each other - it's actually kind of fun if you get a good group together.

Now I personally would not say Scripture Typer is "easy". It's a lot of work to keep all your verses reviewed, but I can definitely say it's worth it. My typing speed has increased. I have some days now where I can reach 80wpm. I've also noticed that more scriptures have come to mind recently at times when I need them. It has proved encouraging.

So now you're probably asking, what's this have to do with Word Wednesday? Well, I'm sure a faster typing speed is useful for finishing stories :) Plus, scripture can prove to be excellent inspiration for writing. Just think of Pilgrim's Progress, the Chronicles of Narnia, and Hinds' Feet on High Places. All of them are wonderful Christian classics and all inspired by scripture.

Anyway, don't feel pressured or anything. I just thought I'd share it since I found it helpful. If you are interested and would like to join a group, Kelpie and I have one you are welcome to join. Just let me know :)

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