Monday, July 21, 2014

A.P.W.300 Grace's Challenge--Keplie

Here's my story for Grace and The Hermit Crab! Hope you like it!

“If you were a pirate, where would you want to be buried?” Alexis held up a Lego man with a hooked arm who looked like he had seen better days.

“In a fish tank.” Kaden tapped lightly on the glass of a small aquarium he was cleaning,

Alexis rolled her eyes.

“I mean it!” Kaden took a second swipe over an exceptionally dirty spot. “If I was a Lego pirate I would want to be buried in a fish tank.”

His younger sister put down the one-handed man and ambled over to the kitchen sink where he was working.

Picking up a rock with the letters B.A.C. carved in the broad side she shoved it under his nose “And you would want this to be your tomb stone?”

“Yes, and then, hundreds of seconds later,” Kaden pushed her hand out of his way glanced across the room to where many plastic little people were scattered over the work table. “A pretty explorer could find my skeleton.”

“After battling a fierce red-eyed fish?”  Alexis motioned to the bucket where several fish swam in confused circles while their tank was being cleaned.


“And how would this amazing explorer find this ancient body? By a crumbling map she found?”

“No.” Kaden dumped the brightly colored pebbles back in to the aquarium and began replacing the fake ferns. “With a high-tech, water-proof, red, sonar walkie-talkie!”

Alexis shoved her hands in her jeans pockets and frowned. “Okay, enough silliness. I said a pirate. If you were a pirate, where would you want to be buried? Not if you were a Lego pirate.”

Her brother finished replacing the fish and then placed the lid carefully back on before turning around. “I don’t know, because I am not a pirate.”


  1. If these characters are supposed to be based off of the Hermit Crab and I, I think you got one detail wrong... I don't clean fish tanks :) In fact, I don't even feed our fish...

    1. Why would you think I based them off you and your brother? And only ONE detail wrong?

    2. Okay, so there's another huge detail that's wrong....
