Thursday, July 24, 2014

A Few of My Book Characters!

Meet the Whitman Family...

The fun-loving father and minister at the local Church
The gentle, yet firm stay-at-home Mother. Very set in her ways.
Eldest and only daughter in the family. Spunky, imaginative,
but fearful of any new situations.
Jessica's (older) twin brother. A determined leader
The bookworm of the family. Quiet and thoughtful.
The youngest and orneriest of the Whitman family. Makes
up for every bit of quietness of his older siblings.

Meet Rachel Colley...

Jessica's dramatic but sweet BFF who moves
away to California

Meet Bear Huttner...

The dirty, stinky, and ever-helpful neighbor boy
who has a crush on Jessica

Meet Owen Howard and his friends...

Perhaps the most popular and unpopular kid in
The "new boy" in town who quickly joins
Owen's group of friends
Another one of Owen's annoying tag-alongs

 Which ones are your favorite? I think I like Jessica  and Owen the best. Joey didn't turn out quite like I wanted him too :(


  1. Rachel is exactly how I had her pictured! The others are all a little different but I still like them. You did a great job capturing their personalities in their faces! Ornery Joey, bully Owen...etc. I like them!

    1. Thanks! Yeah, they don't all look exactly like the pictures I had in my head either. Oh well :)
