Saturday, July 26, 2014

What If... Next Part

“Look,” a white puff of breath shoots from Matt's mouth and evaporates inches from your face. “I've seen this house sit here empty for too long. Year after year I've seen people buy her and then pack up and leave a week later. They spread stories of it being haunted, but I know that's not true. Tell me, what exactly is going on?”

You jerk your arm away, your heart pounding, but instead of sliding into your car, you allow the door to swing shut. “I'm sorry,” you begin. “It's just that …”

“That what?” He urges you on.

“It's this.” You fish the note out of your purse.

As Matt unfolds the yellowed note, a light of recognition twinkles in his eyes. The wrinkles of frustration smooth on his forehead and a chuckle escapes his lips.

“What? What is it?” You grasp his arm.

“I can't believe she did this.” Matt chuckles again.

“Who? What are you laughing about?” You stomp your heel on the shoveled drive. “You know Nadine?”

“No.” Matt shakes his head. “But I know who wrote this note.”

“Tell me!”

“My grandma.”


“My grandma.”

“You're kidding.”


“Your grandma must be cruel.”

“Not really. Just a bit ornery, and maybe a little overprotective.” He laughs again, shaking his head. “I still can't believe she did this.”

“Your Grandma owned this house?”

Matt nods his head. “And she grew up here. As did my mother.”

“Wow, that's why you care so much about this house.”


“Then why don't you just buy it?” You plant your hands on your hips.

“Well, I'm currently finishing up my doctorates degree. It doesn't exactly allow the time or money to fix up a place like this.”

“Oh,” you say, knowing exactly what he means. You let your hands fall to your side. “So... why does your Grandma want to scare everyone away from this place?”

“She doesn't, exactly. At least, I don't think so. I think it would be best if you just played along. Then you might figure out what this is all about..”

“You mean, find Nadine?” For some reason excitement races up your spine.


“Will you help me?” The words slip out of your mouth before you've had time to think them through.

“I'd love to, but I think this will require a little more knowledge than what I can offer.”

“What do you mean?” You take the note from his hand.

“I'd like you to show the note to my mom.”

“Your mom?”

“Yeah, come on.” Matt starts his way down the drive way, swinging the snow shovel at his side.

You glance back at your car, then at the note, and back at Matt, then follow.

To be continued....

Sorry, I'm trying to end the story and need to get you a bit closer to something else in the story before I let you make anymore choices about where the story goes :) It doesn't sound fair, but I was beginning to feel like the story wasn't going much of anywhere.

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