Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Word Wednesday



steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., especially in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement.

 You may be guessing that there is some connection between this word and the fact that we seem to be out of writing ideas. To answer you question quickly, there is only a little connection.

Perseverance is something I personally do not have much of. I would rather do something, and get it done as soon as possible. If a task takes longer, I lose interest and prefer to leave it than to practice self-discipline. One thing recently that has required a lot of perseverance for me is running. To be blunt,  I hate it. But, I know it is good for my body and that  I feel better the more consistent I am in doing it. Still, every step of the way I am thinking, "Ach! I hate this!" Eventually I get to where I am simply telling myself "Put the next foot down and pick it back up!" 
Sometimes we have to apply this concept to other areas of our life. We must force ourselves to take the next step and not get distracted. The next step is what we must focus on. 
This also brings in priorities. To really persevere in something we may need to remove distractions. Or simply decided what is truly the most important thing. 
So here is how I am going to tie this all back together. Decided your priorities, and persevere in them. If a priority to you is writing, make yourself take that next step, and the next, and the next. If something else is more important put aside scribbling novels and focus on it. 
I have been rather non existent on this blog recently because I was needing to persevere in some other areas. I am growing our family garden, cooking a large number of the family meals, studying for my ACT, trying to finish up several school subjects and many other things. Out of all of the former, the only thing I enjoy is gardening. But I must persevere in the others. 

You too must persevere in whatever are your current priorities. Power to ya!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Hope! Yeah, I lack in the perseverance area, too. That's why I only just finished writing my first full-length book, and I learned so much from finishing it. Now I have more energy to write another because I know I can do it!
