Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Tip Tuesday

Howdy Y'all!

Well, you may have heard this tip before, but I'll go ahead and share it anyway.  =)  When I was taking a short story class, my teacher said that one of the best ways to get story ideas is to listen to the things around you.  I mean, don't go and eavesdrop, but a lot of times just random things you hear in passing can come in handy for a story. 
Also, an author I met once said that one of the best ways to become a good writer is to read.  Read, read, read a lot!  You get a feel for how a story/book should fall together, and often get inspiration/new ideas.

Well, that's about all I have for this time!



  1. Thanks for the tip Josie! I love eavesdropping, though I know you discouraged that, in public places and seeing what ideas I can get through that!

  2. Yes, thank you! I've gotten a lot of random ideas from talking with my siblings. Crazy things like fire slugs. Lol, it's fun.
