Friday, June 6, 2014

What if... Part 1bc

Despite the shiver climbing up your spine, you rip open the envelope. The letter isn't special - It's just notebook paper. You unfold it with shaky fingers.

My name is Nadine.
I live here.
If you want to live here,
You'll have to play with me.
I like flowers.

What sort of prank is this? Not exactly the ghost note you expected, but goosebumps dot your arms. Something in your gut tells you prank or no prank, this might be dangerous. You decide, for caution's sake, it would be best to call your parents. They always know what to do.

With sweaty hands you withdraw your cellphone from your purse. You select Dad's work phone from the list and stomp your foot in frustration when you reach his voice mail. Then you try Mom. Still no answer. You leave a message for both, but you know it'll probably be awhile before they get back to you. Should you call the police? No, no, that's silly. There hadn't been a crime – yet.

You sink down into one of the sheet-covered couches with a groan. This place is just getting weirder. You can't bring yourself to think “spookier.” No, you don't believe in ghosts, but – you glance at the note again – this all seems very unreal.

Bzzzz. Your phone vibrates against your leg. 1 New Text Message flashes across the screen. It's from Dad. Hey Sis. In a house tour. Will call back in a few.

Relief floods through your veins, and you sit back, waiting for the minutes to tick by. You would hike back out to your car to retrieve your luggage, but you're not sure you'll be staying here much longer. Still, your phone is silent.

You crane your neck to peek out the window. Matt's still out there, tossing snow. Maybe you'll show him the note. No, no – you don't trust him yet either. For all you know, he could be in on all this – this – whatever this all is. You toss the note to the side, and it flutters to the ground.

Then something catches your eyes among the yellowed folds of paper. You scoop it up, turning the paper every which way until you find the proper angle. A queer flower is sketched in on the back of the paper, and for some reason it looks familiar. But from where? You examine its sun-like shape and the branches of skinny leaves growing up from the base. Yes, you've seen this before – here, in this house as a matter of fact. You decide to...

A. Search the dining room for the flower. There was all that fancy trim and also the stained glass window.

B. Search outside for the flower. It must have been in all that scroll-work on the railing.

C. Search the bedroom. There were flowers on the headboard of the bed.


  1. That flower looks familiar to me too...should I know it? :) I chose A.

  2. Yeah, I am going to choose A, as well! =)

  3. must always take a close look at stained glass windows...there is always something mysterious about them. ;) I guess I'll go with A as well.

  4. A it is then! And yes, Hope, the flower should be familiar to you. I probably shouldn't have posted the picture...
