Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Light's Last Touch

Angela told me that she didn't think my last post was very exciting...is this better?  

The Light's Last Touch
Down, down, down. My hand was reaching up towards the light, my whole soul screaming to not let it get smaller but I couldn’t stop myself. It was my own fault. I had played near this pit, walked close to the edge with my eyes wide open, knowing what was there, what would happen. And yet, I had come, willingly come, and willingly stepped over the side. Now and only now, did I regret my choice. And what chance, what chance was there for me? I could hear the screams from below me of the others in their agony, of the beasts in their murderous joy, oh why, why had I ever made this foolish choice? There was no going back now, nothing to catch hold of and pull myself up on, no one to grab me and pull me back to the light. I wished to scream, every muscle in my body strained towards that one purpose but I couldn’t make a noise.  The bottom was coming closer, I could see the other people, reaching up eagerly to pull me down to them, to share in the agony they had caused for themselves. The beasts too looked up, their sharp teeth glinting in anticipation.

“No! No! No!” I was finally able to scream. “I’m not ready for this! This isn’t what I wanted! This can’t be happening to me! Help! Someone help!”

A hand from up near the light caught my arm and jerked me to a painful stop. My legs dangled inches away from the miserable out stretched arms below me.

“Cassy do you trust me? Will you trust me?” The voice was gentle and quiet but I could hear it above the screams below me.

“Who are you?”


I jerked awake the words dying on my lips.

What had happened, where was I, why was I here? My head felt like a hatchet was being thrust into it, my stomach churned, my vision swam.


  1. Hmm... *checks heart rate* More exciting then other ones I suppose... :) Is there more to the story?
