Friday, September 28, 2012

The Cheerio Crime

Since Hope insisted that I post something, here is that something. It's old, but it's still something.

4 Year Old Girl's Point of View:
Eagerly, I raced to the dining room table and scrambled into my chair. I heard Mom's voice ask which kind of cereal I would like, but I was too busy desperately scanning the cardboard boxes spread out before me to answer. Where was it? I examined the boxes more carefully this time. Raisin Bran in a purple box sat next to Cheerios in white. Shredded Wheat in orange leaned up against the Cheerios, and finally Dragon Puffs dressed in gold toppled over as my brother reached across the table for the toast. I let out a high pitched wail. Where were my Cheerios in yellow? Mom asked me again what I wanted. “I want the Cheerios in the yellow box!” I sobbed. Mom tried to convince me that the Cheerios in the white were just the same, but I would not be convinced. The Dragon on the Dragon Puffs glared at me with no mercy.

Mom's Point of View:
“It's time for breakfast!” I called to the household. I fastened Cory into the high chair and lifted Alex into his booster seat. “Come on, hurry up everyone! I need to get on with the day,” I thought. Ryan and Kaytlin came scrambling just as Les settled into his place at the head of the table. Kaytlin beamed her adorable four year-old smile, but her expression changed serious as she scanned the breakfast table. “What would you like for breakfast this morning, Kaytlin?” She gave no response. A dismayed look spread across her face. “Oh no! Not again! I don't have time to deal with this.” I recognized that look. Ryan impatiently reached for the toast, knocking over a couple of cereal boxes in the process. Kaytlin let out a loud sob. “What type of cereal would you like?” I repeated more sternly this time. She wailed out something incomprehensible about yellow, and pointed at the Cheerios. Frustrated, I ripped open the box to show her that the Cheerios in the white were no different than the ones that we usually had in the yellow, but she would not be convinced.


  1. Isn't that just a bit stuck up of you to refer to your smile as being adorable? :) Cute story!

    1. lol, maybe. I was just trying to write from Mom's point of view.
