Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Word Wednesday

Hello everyone!  Today I picked two words that I love to have flow through my mind.  I don't know why, but there is just something fun about them.

Skew [skyoo]:  To turn aside or swerve; take an oblique course.  To look obliquely; squint.   To give an oblique direction to; shape, form, or cut obliquely.  To distort; to depict unfairly.

Waft [wahft]:  To carry lightly and smoothly through the air or over water.  To send or convey lightly, as if in flight.   To signal to, summon, or direct by waving.   To float or be carried, especially through the air.  A sound, odor, etc., faintly perceived.  A wafting movement; light current or gust.

Do y'all have any words that when you read them, you sigh in pleasure?

1 comment:

  1. Yikes! Didn't know skew had 4 different meanings. I really only knew the last one well.
