Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Tip Tuesday

Yeah...so I forgot that I needed to write this tip until Sunday when I saw the weekly newsletter. Then...I forgot again. Today something jogged my memory but I didn't have time to write at that point...and I forgot again. It became a cycle of forget, remember, forget, remember. Anyway, the point is, I am currently scrambling around trying to come up with a tip. As usual, I turn to one of my high school writing textbooks.

After searching in for much more time that I really have I came across something about figures of speech. So here's the tip--be careful using common figures of speech too much and be willing to invent some of your own!

Sorry so short.I'll try harder next time to not be as forgetful as a...squirrel. (see? I am following my own tip and creating my own figure of speech!)

1 comment:

  1. I fear I am not very good when it comes to creating my own figures of speech.
