Monday, April 7, 2014


I actually finished the headers today, so here they are! Which ones do you like? Changes? I thought maybe we could rotate through a few of them if we wanted to (like switch every month or two.)

This is the same one that is up right now. It just has a couple birds.

This would change the whole look of the blog, which I'm not sure I want to do. It was fun making it though.

This one is probably my favorite.


  1. I like the second best (I really like it!!) with the last as a close second. As far as I'm concerned we don't have to stick to the old black, white and blue theme that I created a long time ago. We could just toss out our pictures and completely redo the whole thing with a lot more color. Anyway we chose to do it with be fine with me.

    1. Alrighty, I'll keep that in mind. I really like the black and white though...

  2. I really like the second one as well!

  3. The second one I threw together last minute, but it's one of my favorites too.

  4. I really like the second and fourth ones!

  5. Okay, the second one it is :)

  6. I love the new look Grace! It nicely combines both classic and elegant. You've done a great job!
