Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Word Wednesday

I know, I know, I missed Tip Tuesday yesterday (I'm filling in for Hope) ... I wish I could say I was busy, but honestly I spent a nice majority of my free time watching the Hobbit. So how about a Word Wednesday instead?

Before I reveal our word for the day, I'd like to wish a certain somebody a happy late birthday. She started this blog and brought us all together. On top of that, she's a wonderful friend and Christian sister. Happy Birthday, Hope!

And our word for today is ... you guessed it! Hope!

Definition(s) from


1. the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best.
2. a particular instance of this feeling.
3. grounds for this feeling in a particular instance.
4. a person or thing in which expectations are centered.
5. something that is hoped for.

Verb (used with object)

6. to look forward to with desire and reasonable confidence.
7. to believe, desire, or trust

Verb (used without object)

8. to feel that something desired may happen
9. Archaic. to place trust; rely

What I would like us to do with this word, which I'm sure we're all familiar with, is to share a specific time when someone or something gave you hope. Maybe it was a card someone sent you or a Bible verse. Whatever it is, you can put your thoughts in the comments or if you want to make a whole blog post or story about it, feel free.

I'm going to share about a time when Hope gave me hope :) Almost eight years ago, my family took three foster kids into our home, and it was during that time and shortly before, I lost my two closest friends. My new siblings kept me pretty distracted, but there came a time when I was really lonely. There were many nights when I would go to bed and cry, asking God for a new friend in my life. The order of events are a little jumbled up, but I remember sometime during this time receiving a letter from Hope, whose family had moved to another state shortly after we had gotten the kids. We had been friends, but we were different enough, we didn't always relate to each other very well. And here she was sending me a letter. I was pleasantly surprised and excited at the little question, "Do you want to be my pen pal?" I wrote back and thus began a long distance friendship that became deeper than I ever thought it would. We even discovered we had more in common than we thought. :) I suddenly had hope and encouragement of a long-lasting friendship for many years to come. Hope's letters and phone calls since then have been the highlight of many days. Thank you, Hope.


  1. Aww! That's so sweet, Grace...I feel a little embarrassed! Thanks for the happy birthday wishes!

    As for a time I found hope: I think all of you know I am pretty involved in politics and most of you know that I can't stand them. :) I don't like the scary things I see both now and coming in the future. I would like to be an ostrich and stick my head in the sand (yes, Grace, I remember our recent conversation about this being a myth but even so, it's a useful illustration! ;) ) rather than prepare for and warn others about what's coming. Several years ago, probably in 2012 when I was very involved in the Ron Paul presidential campaign, I found myself getting terrified of what I might face in the future. Flipping open my Bible a verse popped into my head that I had known for years but never really thought through. Isaiah 41:10 "Do not fear for I am with you. Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, I will help you, surely I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Not only was God telling me that I could count on Him, He was also COMMANDING me not to fear. As I read that verse, I received hope. It is now one of my favorites and a constant reference for when I am afraid.

    1. I was going to say I need to add that verse to my memory verse bank, but then I reread the verse and realized that was one I just added recently :) The future does seem kind of scary right now. I'm so thankful God has given us hope! The verse you posted also reminds me of one of my favorite verses : Joshua 1:9, if I remember right (in KJV). "Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage. Be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed, for the Lord thy God will be with thee whithersoever thou goest."
