Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The Jarginson Family Saga part 2

    “What are we going to do?” Sadie sobbed.
    “Children, we have arranged for you all to go on an orphan train out west.” The officer said.
    “But, sir, what about our Aunt, who is ill, and her children? Papa and Mama were going to help them.” Opal said.
    “We have discussed that, too. The oldest two will go to your Uncle and Aunt's place, and the other six will be put on the orphan train.” The officer said.
    “Why can't we all go together?” Emma cried.
    “Your Uncle and Aunt can't take all of you. Just the oldest ones. Now, my wife is coming in a couple of hours to help you all pack and get things ready to leave. I will sell all the horses and animals for you. And the money will be divided evenly between all of you. Right now, I suggest getting all suitcases ready. I will stay here until Amaca gets here.” The officer said. Two hours later, the officer's wife, Amaca, came and she kindly calmed the younger ones and put them to bed for a nap and helped the older ones pack.
    “Mrs. Carls?” Sadie asked.
    “Yes, Sadie?” Mrs. Amaca Carls asked.
    “Why can't we live with you and Mr. Carls?” Sadie asked.
    “Oh, Sadie, we have children of our own, and I don't think we could keep all of you.” Mrs. Carls said.
Four weeks later, the Jarginson children sadly left their home that they had know all their life and rode with the Carls to the Aid center where the orphan trains were put together.
Opal and Emma hugged their younger siblings good bye and then left on the train that would take them to Uncle John and Aunt Eleaner's house.
Lizzie, Sadie, James, Nellie, Archie and Annie followed Mr. and Mrs. Carls, into the tall building.
The lady at the desk was kind and she told them where to find the director of the orphan trains. They went to his office.
    “Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Carls! And, who are these children?” Mr. Linnus said.
    “They are the Jarginson children, Elizabeth Anne, Sadie Jo, James Jacob, Nellie May, Archie Lee, and Annie Joanne. Their parents, Lewis and Mary Ann Jarginson, were killed in a train wreck. There older two sisters, Opal Josie and Emma Kim, are going to their Uncle and Aunt's home to help take care of their children and help with their Aunt, since she is ill.” Officer Carls said.
    “Ah. So you would like me to register them for the train ride?” Mr. Linnus asked.
    “Yes, if there is room for six more.” Officer Carls said.
    “All right. Let me look on my files here................ Yes, there is room for 10 more children. So after the 6 Jarginsons, I can take 4 more. The train is leaving in a week. Meanwhile, we are keeping all the orphans in the orphanage. I'll get Ms. Samson to bring the children to their rooms.” Mr. Linnus said. With that, he rung a little bell beside his desk and a young lady came in
    “Laura, these six children are new to the orphanage. Please show them to their rooms.” Mr. Linnus said.
    “All right, Mr. Linnus. Come along, children. Howdy do, Officer, Mrs. Carls?” Ms. Samson said.
    “Fine, thank you, Laura.” Mrs. Carls said.
Then Lizzie, Sadie, James, Nellie, Archie and Annie followed Ms. Samson to the main part of the building, waving good bye to Officer and Mrs. Carls.
Once they got to the halls of rooms, Ms. Samson told the girls to go into the 4th room on the hall and then she went with the boys to the boy's section of the building.
Lizzie quietly opened the door to find 4 girls talking and laughing on a bed.
    “Oh, hello!” One of the oldest girls said when she saw Lizzie, Sadie, Nellie and Annie.
    “Hi. I'm Lizzie Jarginson, and these are my younger sisters, Sadie, Nellie, and Annie.” Lizzie said.
    “Oh. Are you new to the orphanage? I’m Cara Nelson, and I’m 14.” The girl said.
“Yes, we are new. Our parents were killed in a train wreck about a month ago.” Lizzie said.
    “Oh, dear! That’s too bad. I’m Candice, Cara’s younger sister. I’m 12. Are you four all that’s in your family?” Another one of the girls said.
    “No. We have 2 older sisters, Opal and Emma, and our younger brothers, James and Archie.” Lizzie said.
    "Oh! Eight children! I had 5 siblings. My name is Delia Dexter. I’m 13, and this is the only one of my sisters that survived in the fire. Her name is Daisy, and she is 10.” The other girl said.
    “I see.” Lizzie said quietly.
    “Well, Why don't we help Lizzie and her younger sisters unpack and get settled?” Cara said. Lizzie smiled at her and the 8 girls set to work. By evening, the girls had all their things unpacked and were chatting with Cara, Candice, Delia and Daisy.
Suddenly, a loud bell rang.


  1.'s just getting sadder and sadder! I hope it gets happier in the end!
