Monday, March 4, 2013

Book Review Page Coming Up and Helpful Links!!

Forgive me for not having written anything recently. I have been very busy doing some leg work for this blog. Hopefully the results will be that we soon will have a new page containing book reviews!

In the meantime I thought I would share a few links that has been very helpful to me. The first one is from Go Teen Writers, a blog that I greatly appreciate in general.

These are links to baby name sites. I know Grace and I both have used them to come up with character names.

This is my personal favorite.

This is not an exhaustive list by any means, just simply offering you some options! Sorry for all the baby stuff on the sides of the sites. Sometimes you have to deal with annoying things to get a good result.

And last but not least, a translator. Yes I said that correctly, "translator". I love to throw bits of other languages into my stories so this site has become indispensable. Sometimes, I also use it to come up with names by simply typing in what I want the word to mean and then choosing from my options.

Hope you can find these useful! I hope to get back to writing on here soon but no promises!


  1. Thank you for taking the time to write such an in-depth post. You covered every possible angle. The fact that you can refer to different parts is fantastic. This isn't simply a skeleton; she's got "flesh on her bones."

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