Saturday, October 20, 2012

Gone--Part 5

    “Still no word?” Ashley nervously twisted a piece of ripped leather hanging off her car’s interior.  The overcast sky loomed overhead causing the already nerve racking situation to get even more tense.  “You checked his office?” Where can he be?  He may be eccentric but he never goes out of town.  She bit her lip.  “I’m going to go check at his house again.”
    “Ashley,” her brother’s voice trailed calmly over the phone, “He’s not there.  He probably went out of town, okay?  You are getting worried over nothing.”
    She took a deep breath and closed her eyes.  No matter what her brother said she was sure something was wrong.  She could feel it.  “I’m still going over there, it can’t hurt.”  She hung up quickly to avoid being lectured for overly suspicious nature..  A few raindrops splattered on her hood as she pulled out of the gas station and headed up the country road. 

    From the outside the house looked just like it had when she had visited it two days ago.  There was still a pothole in the driveway and one of the weathered green shutters still hung lopsided.  Ashley stepped out of the car, leaves crunching beneath her feet, and bent her head against the wind and rain as she jogged to the front porch.  Leaves had been blown up against the door creating a small mound, a sure sign that the house was still vacant.  She quickly unlocked the door and stepped in out of the wind.  “Anybody home?”  The house was dark and silent.  Perhaps he is in his den.  She encouraged herself while quickly making her way to the other side of the house.  She turned the knob and pushed.  More darkness.  Where’s that light switch?  Ah hah!  The lights blinked for a moment then came on.  Papers lay in random heaps on the desk and the floor.  Still no one. 

    Philip peered through the ajar closet door.  He could not pounce now; he would have to wait until her back was turned.  He flexed his hands then carefully touched the side of his jacket to assure himself it was still there if needed.  His superiors wanted it to look like the others, but he would take no chances.  She was just a girl, but the one who had give him the scar on his temple had been just a girl too. 
    The girl gazed around the room.  “Where are you?” her voice quavered.
    I don’t know, but it isn’t he you should be worried about.  It’s you.  He smiled wryly, stuffing the little condemning voice in his head back in its box.  I’m doing what I’m paid for! 
    Philip tensed.  She had turned her back and was heading toward the door.  It’s now or never.  

Alright, I need to know if you guys want me to keep posting parts of the story, or if you want me to come up with other stuff to post.  I have no idea how long this story will be, so it might go on for a long time.  :) 


  1. Very interesting! You are doing a very good job keeping this story interesting. I would like more but don't feel like you have to, I know your busy!

  2. I agree with Hope. I would like more also, but if you are too busy, I understand.

  3. Alright, I will keep posting parts for now. Thanks for the input! :)

  4. Yeah, keep posting! I want to see how it connects!?? :)
