Monday, November 19, 2012

Escaping the Night - Part 3

“This is your home?” Catherine examined the cottage before her. It could barely be two stories high. Smoke poured from the chimney, and a delicious aroma floated through the open windows. Two red-headed boys were playing with a dog in front of the door. Horses whinnied in the nearby stable.

“Yes. My Father built it shortly before he married my mother. Our family has lived here ever since,” Ember replied.

“But it's so small!” exclaimed Catherine. “How do you all fit in there?”

Ember laughed. “This is actually one of the bigger cottages in Ruby, and our family is small compared to many.” She led Amy and Catherine to the door. The boys scampered out of the way, staring curiously at Catherine. A girl barely older than Amy met them at the door. Her skin was freckled and pale, but her eyes sparkled green with life. Long red pig tails fell to her waist.

“Where have you been?” she hissed at Ember as they entered. “The Lord and Lady have been torturing us with questions of your whereabouts.”

“I'm sorry, Oriole. I'll explain later.” Ember whispered back. “Take care of Cricket's head wound for me.” She motioned at Catherine and then headed to the far side of the room where  the adults sat talking.

“Emmy, wait!” Oriole hissed again. “You have dust all over the backside of your dress!” The adults turned and stared. Ember blushed and quickly took a seat. After the adults resumed their conversation, she turned and scowled at Oriole. Ignoring her sister, Oriole grabbed Catherine's hand and pulled her into the kitchen. Amy followed.

After pulling out a chair for Catherine, Oriole grabbed a rag and basin of water. She started to clean the wound, but Catherine snatched the rag from her. “I can do it myself.”

Oriole frowned. “I was just trying to help.”

“I don't need help.” Catherine dabbed the rag at her wound and winced.

“What did you do?” Oriole questioned.

“She hit her head on a tree,” Amy chimed in.

“I didn't ask you, Amethyst.” Oriole said sternly. “I asked Cricket.” Amy stuck out her bottom lip and pretended to pout.

Catherine sighed. “My name is not Cricket. It's Catherine.”

“Oh, sorry. I thought that was what Emmy called you,” Oriole apologized.

Catherine rolled her eyes. “She never gets it right.”

“Where are you from?”

“The Dark Land.”

Oriole's emerald eyes widened. “What are you doing here?”

Catherine didn't respond at first. Oriole had gone too far. “It doesn't matter,” she finally responded.

The sound of sobbing and scurrying feet suddenly reached the girls' ears. A door slammed, and all three girls dashed for the window. They saw Ember running towards the stable, and another girl stumbled behind her, trying to keep up with her.

“Uh oh,” Oriole murmured.

“What's happening?” Amy asked, squeezing herself between Catherine and Oriole.

“Emmy doesn't usually get that upset,” Oriole rushed into the sitting room and out the door. Catherine and Amy ran after her.

“I didn't mean to upset her!” an exasperated Lord Gem stood wringing his hands in the sitting room. “I thought she would be thrilled at the news.”

Lady Gem put a hand on her husband's arm. “Don't worry, Dear. The excitement was simply too much for her.”

“I apologize for my daughter's behavior,” said Ember's father. “She doesn't normally act this way.”

Catherine ignored the rambling Lord Gem and his wife, and soon out ran Oriole, reaching the stable first. Ember sat inside, sobbing. The girl, whom Catherine assumed was Becca, was trying her best to console Ember. The horses neighed uneasily, and the cool evening breeze whistled through the trees.


  1. GOOD, GOOD, GOOD! You will be a published author some day I now sure of it. I can not wait for more!

    1. I'm not sure exactly where my story is going now, so it may be a little while. lol, maybe I shouldn't write like this. Neither I nor my readers know where this story is going.
