Friday, August 1, 2014

Something Random - Character Creating Idea

Before I tell you my idea, I've got to tell you a little story. My youngest sister is part African American, and loves Disney princesses. Sadly, she observed that not many of them have dark skin or curly brown hair. The other day, out of curiosity, I decided to Google "Disney princess maker," and what did I find? Exactly that! A website that allows you not only to choose skin color and hair type, but also design unique outfits. Oh, and you can even make a prince :)

The only reason I'm sharing this is because I've discovered it can be useful in designing story characters. (That is, if you can get past that silly feeling of being on a girly princess website and dressing up "dolls" in their underwear). There are so many options and all of it is free. When you are finished, you can download the picture to your computer and save in your book/story portfolio. That way, you remember what you decided your characters were going to look like. As I said before, you just have to get past that silly feeling.

Anyway, here's a couple I did. 

No, they are not wizards, lol. This is Casper and Kalina, my Felvy twins.
(Their race has a sort of electrical charge that flows through their blood,
which they can choose to release as an electrical shock. Weird, but one of my fantasy

I'm sure there are other game websites that offer similar activities, but this is just one I found.


  1. Ooh! I love that idea. I am certainly going try it out!
